
Monday, March 10, 2014

Bare with me

If you are a fan of my Facebook page you probably already know that my crafting space is currently being renovated.  Very exciting, but also challenging!  I haven't been able to create in several days and it will probably be at least 2 more, so as you can imagine I'm missing my stamps!  So I thought since I don't have any projects to share with you, I would share the next best thing...the opportunity to do something you love while getting a discount!
Who doesn't love a great deal?!  I know you have reservations, and you might be scared to join...but I'm here to tell you that I did too, and I'm just fine!  Better than fine actually!  I originally signed up just to get a discount on my own product and to take advantage of the awesome Starter kit deal.  Needless to say, shortly after receiving my kit I chose to make this a business.  Not for the money I might make, but for the people who came into my lives.  New customers, other demonstrators on my team, friends I have made along the way...that's why I do this.  I have made so many friends because of Stampin' Up!  As a Stay at home mom I have a tendency to be surrounded by 'children chatter' most of the day, so an adult conversation is always welcomed.  And when it's about something you love, like Stampin' Up, well that's just a no brainer!
I hope you will take the time to click on the "Join my Team" link at the top of the page to read more about this awesome opportunity, and of course please feel free to contact me with any questions!
I hope you will join my team!!!

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