
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Simply Sketched Goodbye

Simply Sketched was by far my favorite Hostess Only set from the 2013-2014 Annual Catalog.  I love anything to do with watercolor type images, and this set is perfect for that. Create a watercolor look with either a Blender Pen or your Aqua Painter that is sure to make you look like an artist!  I know you are probably looking at the image below and thinking, "does she realize she went outside the lines?!"  You betcha I do!  In my classes and workshops I always try to make people believe me when I say "It doesn't have to be perfect!" and here's proof!  It's still a pretty card, outside the lines or not!  I hope you had a chance to snag this set before it is sold out!  Don't forget, in order to get it you need a $150 order/party, so get a few of your friends together to place that order!  Click HERE 

Supply List:

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