
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cupcake Box and Good Greetings

Is this the cutest packaging for a cupcake you have ever seen?!  I'm loving the new Gift Box Punch Board!  I creates boxes from teeny tiny ones to ones even larger than this!  Super easy and fun to use, I'm loving this new tool!  I have a friend who is an AMAZING baker...and I mean amazing.  I order all of our families cakes and such through her and she never disappoints!  When I started creating this box I thought of her delicious cupcakes and created the size around the idea of putting a cupcake inside!

I used the Good Greetings set for the "celebrate" and "sparkle" banners.  If you haven't seen the Good Greetings Promotion yet, it's awesome!  All you have to do to get this set automatically and FREE is party!  That's right, party!  Get some friends together for a night of stamping and with your qualifying party you will get this stamp set for free!!!  I can help local and long distance customers with parties!  Whether you live in my area and want to do a fun in-home party or live far away, I can help you reach the party goal for this awesome stamp set and get you some free goodies too!  

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