
Friday, November 14, 2014


It's time for a Prize Patrol!!!!
Did you know that I recently created a Facebook Group Page just for you?!
That's right!  For you!  My customers and fans!
This group page is where I will be doing all of my prize patrols from now on, so be sure to join in on the fun and JOIN THE GROUP.  All you have to do is go to Facebook and search the Group "Mommy Stamper's Peeps" and then just simply click "join".  
Once you're a member you will be able to participate in the prize patrols I offer, as well as see sneak peaks, specials, inspirational projects and YOU can share what you've been creating lately! 
That's right!  You can share with me!  I want to see what you've been working on!
Share your Christmas projects or anything else you're proud of!  We want to see it!

So go on, head on over to Facebook and join my Mommy Stamper's Peeps group so you can play along with my Prize Patrol today!  Hurry, because I'm announcing the winner on Monday morning!!

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