
Thursday, January 15, 2015

January Thank You's

Every single order that is placed with me as your demonstrator is followed up with a thank you card.  After all, that's what we do best right?  Cards!  I love to send cards to my customers!  Each month I choose a design to send and make them as I need them in batches to mail out thanking you for choosing me as your demonstrator. 

If you have followed me for long, you know that the 2013-2015 In Colors are by far my favorite colors in the whole wide world.  I adore each and every one of them alone and together.  They are my go to colors for lots of projects!  Unfortunately, this is their last year with us!  In June 2015 they will replaced with 5 new 2015-2017 In Colors.  Which albeit exciting, makes me a bit sad too.
So...with that being said, I'm sharing my love for these delicious colors as much as I can between now and the time I must say goodbye.

Although I am holding on hope that Stampin' Up! will decide to include them in a future Color Refresh!  You never know!  

Want to get one of these cards from me?  I promise to write on the inside with a post it note so you can reuse it as you desire!  Place an order with me HERE 24/7!

Thank you so much to those of you who have chosen me as your Demonstrator.  I truly appreciate you and the difference you make in my life!

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