
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

For Peep's Sake

As you may or may not know, my team name is Paper Peeps.  I also refer to my customers as my Peeps!  So when I saw this set I squealed!  This card is super simple to create, but super cute!
The designer series paper I used is actually a FREE choice with a $50 order during Sale-a-Bration.  It's called the Best Year Ever Designer Series Paper.  You can see all of the fabulous SAB choices HERE.  Remember that you get a FREE item with each $50 you order, so a $150 order would actually get you 3 SAB items PLUS $25 in FREE Hostess Dollars to spend!  

Even though this set is geared towards Easter time, I plan to use it for way more than that!  Loving the two sentiments that say "For Peep's Sake" and "You Crack Me Up".  Both are things I say in my daily life, so having a stamp for that....perfect!!  

Supply List:

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