
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Growing Pains!

Hi everyone!  I'm sure by now you have noticed my postings have been few and far between.  I'm suffering from growing pains!  As you know, it's summer break and I have 3 children at home...all day long...............................  Between everyday tasks, 3 kids, vacations and 2 businesses I'm busy to say the least!  I'm working very hard to update things and keep you up to date on the things that may change.  For starters, my online presence is going to take a hit.  Believe it or not, being online in several areas is quite time consuming.  I will however still post videos, blog posts, Facebook posts and Pinterest findings as I'm able!  Please hang in there with me while I find my new groove!  My in person class schedule will not change.  I will still be doing my Just Cards Class as I always have.  My online classes, for now, will be removed until I can find the time to dedicate to them.  I appreciate your understanding and hope you will join me for an in person class or even take advantage of the Class by Mail option for Just Cards Classes!  Let me know if you have any questions or comments!  Email me HERE

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